Goliath Iceberg

from £30.00

Pleneau Bay in Antarctica is home to what is known as an iceberg graveyard, when icebergs are pulled in by currents and then become trapped in the shallower waters. We were able to explore the graveyard using zodiac boats to move among the icebergs, looking for wildlife and awe-inspiring landscapes to photograph. 

This iceberg was by far the biggest one in the parts of the bay that we ventured to. It dominated the landscape, completely dwarfing us. While being such a vast and dense block of ice, the surface texture was so detailed, covered in cracks and crevices and that gave a dazzling blue glow as sunlight was absorbed across it. I kept the grey, bleak sky out of focus to really accentuate the brightness of the iceberg and the deep crack running through it, giving this mammoth structure a sense of precarious fragility.

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Pleneau Bay in Antarctica is home to what is known as an iceberg graveyard, when icebergs are pulled in by currents and then become trapped in the shallower waters. We were able to explore the graveyard using zodiac boats to move among the icebergs, looking for wildlife and awe-inspiring landscapes to photograph. 

This iceberg was by far the biggest one in the parts of the bay that we ventured to. It dominated the landscape, completely dwarfing us. While being such a vast and dense block of ice, the surface texture was so detailed, covered in cracks and crevices and that gave a dazzling blue glow as sunlight was absorbed across it. I kept the grey, bleak sky out of focus to really accentuate the brightness of the iceberg and the deep crack running through it, giving this mammoth structure a sense of precarious fragility.

Pleneau Bay in Antarctica is home to what is known as an iceberg graveyard, when icebergs are pulled in by currents and then become trapped in the shallower waters. We were able to explore the graveyard using zodiac boats to move among the icebergs, looking for wildlife and awe-inspiring landscapes to photograph. 

This iceberg was by far the biggest one in the parts of the bay that we ventured to. It dominated the landscape, completely dwarfing us. While being such a vast and dense block of ice, the surface texture was so detailed, covered in cracks and crevices and that gave a dazzling blue glow as sunlight was absorbed across it. I kept the grey, bleak sky out of focus to really accentuate the brightness of the iceberg and the deep crack running through it, giving this mammoth structure a sense of precarious fragility.